- S/N ratio
- sacred
- saga
- sagan
- salescritter
- salt
- salt mines
- salt substrate
- same-day service
- samizdat
- samurai
- sandbender
- sandbox
- sanity check
- Saturday-night special
- say
- scag
- scanno
- scary devil monastery
- schroedinbug
- science-fiction fandom
- scram switch
- scratch
- scratch monkey
- scream and die
- screaming tty
- screen
- screen name
- screen scraping
- screw
- screwage
- scribble
- script kiddies
- scrog
- scrool
- scrozzle
- scruffies
- SCSI voodoo
- search-and-destroy mode
- second-system effect
- secondary damage
- security through obscurity
- See figure 1
- segfault
- seggie
- segment
- segmentation fault
- segv
- self-reference
- selvage
- semi
- semi-automated
- semi-infinite
- senior bit
- September that never ended
- server
- sex changer
- shambolic link
- shar file
- sharchive
- Share and enjoy!
- shareware
- sharing violation
- shebang
- shelfware
- shell
- shell out
- shift left (or right) logical
- shim
- shitogram
- shotgun debugging
- shovelware
- showstopper
- shriek
- Shub-Internet
- sig block
- sig quote
- sig virus
- sigmonster
- signal-to-noise ratio
- silicon
- silly walk
- silo
- since time T equals minus infinity
- sitename
- skrog
- skulker
- slab
- slack
- slash
- slashdot effect
- sleep
- slim
- slop
- slopsucker
- Slowlaris
- slurp
- slurp the robot
- smart
- smart terminal
- smash case
- smash the stack
- smiley
- smoke
- smoke and mirrors
- smoke test
- smoking clover
- smoot
- smurf
- SNAFU principle
- snail
- snail-mail
- snap
- snarf
- snarf & barf
- snarf down
- snark
- sneaker
- sneakernet
- sniff
- snippage
- SO
- social engineering
- social science number
- sock puppet
- sodium substrate
- soft boot
- softcopy
- software bloat
- software hoarding
- software laser
- software rot
- softwarily
- softy
- some random X
- sorcerer's apprentice mode
- source
- source of all good bits
- space-cadet keyboard
- spaceship operator
- spaghetti code
- spaghetti inheritance
- spam
- spam bait
- spamblock
- spamhaus
- spamvertize
- spangle
- spawn
- special-case
- speed of light
- speedometer
- spell
- spelling flame
- spider
- spider food
- spiffy
- spike
- spin
- Spinning Pizza of Death
- spl
- splash screen
- splat
- splat out
- splork!
- spod
- spoiler
- spoiler space
- sponge
- spoof
- spool
- spool file
- sporgery
- sport death
- spungle
- spyware
- squirrelcide
- stack
- stack puke
- stale pointer bug
- Stanford Bunny
- star out
- state
- stealth manager
- steam-powered
- steved
- stir-fried random
- stomp on
- Stone Age
- stone knives and bearskins
- stoppage
- store
- strided
- stroke
- strudel
- stubroutine
- studly
- studlycaps
- stunning
- stupid-sort
- Stupids
- Sturgeon's Law
- sucking mud
- sufficiently small
- suit
- suitable win
- suitably small
- Sun
- sun lounge
- sun-stools
- sunspots
- super source quench
- superloser
- superprogrammer
- superuser
- support
- surf
- Suzie COBOL
- swab
- swap
- swap space
- swapped in
- swapped out
- Swiss-Army chainsaw
- swizzle
- sync
- syntactic salt
- syntactic sugar
- sys-frog
- sysadmin
- sysape
- sysop
- system
- system mangler
- systems jock